Each day is an extension, God provides to people to improve themselves; each opportunity is a gift from God to rebuild oneself ‘each new experience is an assurance of God’s providence. Hence we are called to : “ DARE TO DREAM, DARE TO ACHIEVE “.
Achieving our dreams is a matter of clarity, consistent work, perseverance, patience and above all staying connected with our desires. The energy and excitement that comes from focusing our mind on what we want can keep us going for a long time and give us the determination we need to make things happen. And in the process to transform a dream into a goal, we can test things out, see if we’re on the right path, adjust, learn and grow. It’s a wonderful chance and one of the most accelerated path to self-development.

I am very proud to acknowledge that Our Lady School of Excellence, stands out as a source of pride and blessing to all those who are associated with it. The dedicated and steadfast works of the Sisters of Arch Bishop Louis Mathias Home, Tiruvottiyur,the resolute commitment and hard work of the staff, strives to instil in each child the ability to recognize oneself as a unique gift from God, born with the will power, inherent self-worth and potential self-actualisation. The school earnestly endeavours to bring up the students with the qualities of leadership and responsibility towards the society by providing ample opportunities for growth in the spheres of enhancing individual capabilities, inculcating moral values and imbibing the spirit to respect and serve others. Our Lady School of Excellence also nurtures to build a family atmosphere by facilitating interaction and collaboration among students, parents, faculty, staff and administration. We hold on extra-curricular and co-curricular programs in order to provide holistic education to each student.
In this fast changing and challenging times, we seek the collaboration of all people of good will for their kind support and co-operation, so that our combined efforts play a vital role in the lives of our children. When people share their energy, talents, time and wealth for the welfare of humanity God contributes His share. May we walk in the footsteps of our founder Don Bosco and Co-foundress Mother Mazzarello practicing the Preventive System which is both a method and Spirituality. I acknowledge the commitment, hard work and dedication of the Staff towards providing quality education and holistic formation to the children. I thank all the parents and the well wishers for their constant support and collaboration. Wishing great success and many laurels to the students I encourage each one of you to dare and hope with the words of George Bernard Shaw: “You see things and you say ‘why’? But I dream of things that never were and I say ‘why not’? ”.