Animation and Training

We encourage teachers to take up workshops to keep themselves up-to-date with the happening and increase their knowledge in order to keep up with the change in learning trends. They need to be able to understand the students’ mind set, counsel them, identify slow learners and find innovative means to teach them. This can happen only by attending workshops, seminars and training sessions. Teachers training programmes are highly essential and need to be made available to all academicians responsible for moulding the minds of the next generation.

We recruit qualified and efficient staff and train them to impart excellent education to our students.

  • Twice in a month we conduct Wellness Wednesday (Zumba)

  • To train the new teachers, Initial Professional Development Program is introduced to the staff before the academic year begins.

  • To enrich the teachers’ progress in academics Continuing Professional Development is conducted in person by the Team Chrysalis Executive.

  • To evaluate the teachers understanding in the curriculum, Thinkroom Participation program is directed once in two months by Mrs.Kadhambari.

  • To improve the focus of the teachers Focus Development Program is arranged every month.

  • To enhance the teaching skill of the teachers’ Role of educators during and after Covid-19 webinar was conducted by Dr.Joanas Richard, Director Center for Life skillsEducation (CLSE), Professor & Head, KristuJayanti College.

  • To expand the focus of the teacher "Beyond Black Board" Seminar was presented by British Chevening Scholar Mr. Clement Robert Raj Msc., State Civil Services Officer

Teachers Workshop Details - Click Here